Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Peanut City

Leaving town.
Made it! Dan's Ironhead looking good... but would look much better with that sweet tank I know your working on.
Good Laughs.

Goodbye messy torn open oil line.
Marcus Helmet and Birthday Drink.
Any trip on an old Harley is sure to be an adventure waiting to happen it seems. Just took the bike down to my hometown for the first time(yes, it took long enough to finally make the trip) and hopefully the start of a more regular ride and ensuing good time with good friends. Here are some pictures from when I left Richmond and it was super sunny and such a perfect day to hanging with Dan and Marcus(was his birthday), to fixing a ripped oil return line, playing soccer with Karate Kid Ike, and finally taking a too short ride with Dan and then way back to RVA with a pit stop for some Thunderstorms.
Leaving Dan's neighborhood.
Fun with Cameras.

Your Ironhead was looking and sounding real good Dan...Keep it forever!

Dan D. and Me
Till next time...
Tried to get a picture that said Suffolk on the way out, these two seemed appropriate. Such a good day.

Pit stop for T-Storms, funny how you may not get what you want but you get what you need. This shelter at a church popped up out of nowhere as the lightning started striking.
After the Thunderstorms I had a nice ride along route 5 until I thought I was out of gas for sure and my reserve somehow seemed to last forever just getting me to the gas station at the corner of 5 and 10. The storms rolled out and a super sunset ride back into town which ended with me eating fried chicken, watching the sunset talking to a homeless guy who used to ride, or so he said.

After dinner and conversation the old xlch decided to have some fun with me and not start for 10 kicks or so with a break after the first five, which led to a perfect opportunity for the homeless guy to tell me what I was doing wrong. Funny thing how some people just seem harmless, as this guy did. I asked if he wanted to show me how to do it and he kindly declined the kick but said "let me give her gas while you kick..." Getting some entertainment and enjoyment out of my new friend getting so excited and serious at the same time made this totally worth every minute. (so sorry no pictures of this part, trust me I wish I had too)
After the first two kicks and him getting a handle on my super loose throttle, third kick bike turned over and my mans face lit up like a little kid in a candy store as he gave it gas a couple times then gave me daps and thanked me repeatedly only to ride his bike off telling me how pumped he was and all he needed now was a beer and his old lady. Sounds like he could have been an old school biker after all. What a trip!


  1. right on seth, you are ruling! caught me geekin out too man. pics are awesome. this is my new favorite blog.

  2. Thanks! Man we were both geeking out. Such a good time. Can't wait to do it again with everybody riding. Every time I look at those pictures I laugh, good stuff. Stay tuned more goodness to come.
